Important notice:YCAT admissions arrangements consultation  YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our school community. For more information, please visit our policies page. 

01969 667308


Hawes Primary_prev pics (34)

The Governing Body of Hawes School are committed to the school's vision, aims and ethos.

We will support the School, Headteacher and Staff and fulfill our duties on behalf of the pupils and our community.

Meet the Governing Body

The people who make up our Governing Body have three main duties:

Setting the strategic direction of the school 

(including what sort of school we are, what experiences our children receive, what they are expected to achieve and how the school fits in our community)

Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school 

(ensuring our children receive the education they deserve, make the progress and achieve the results expected by parents and required by government)   

Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money 

(making sure the school spends the taxpayers money it is granted properly and effectively to educate our children)

Hawes Primary_prev pics (35)We have four parent governors with children at the school and three co-opted governors who are people with specific skills we need or who have local community interests. The school staff choose one of their team and the Headteacher is automatically a governor. We are supported by a professional clerk.

We meet regularly and our meeting agendas and minutes are available from the school office (and on this website). All governors (apart from the Head) agree to serve for four years. We advertise when a vacancy occurs and elections are held if there are more candidates than vacancies for parent governors. Although we have many serious legal responsibilities we are volunteers and give our time and skills freely to help the school educate the children of our community.

To find out more or if you need to contact us please ask Dawn in the school office, speak to us in the playground, when you see us out and about or e-mail our Chair Abbie Rhodes here

Governor Meetings

Minutes for meetings are available from the school office

The aim of the Local Governing Body at Hawes Primary School is to operate best practice in governance. The Local Governing Body, through a detailed knowledge of the pupil data and school information, actively takes part in the school’s self-evaluation and strategic planning process. The Local Governing Body, in collaboration with Miss Vasey and the school’s Leadership Team, is responsible for developing and monitoring the school’s development plan and for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning at the school. Governors on the Local Governing Body regularly check if all pupils are making good progress at the level which is expected of them.



Governors who have ended their term of office during the academic year 2021-22 or 2022-23

Annual Governance Statement