Important notice:YCAT admissions arrangements consultation  YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our school community. For more information, please visit our policies page. 

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Governing Body

Hawes Governing Body - Attendance and Ended Terms of Office - 2024-24

Hawes Governing body information - Attendance and Interests 2022-23

Governors who have ended their term of office during the academic year 2021-22 or 2022-23

Abbie Rhodes

Chair of Governors

Elaine Naylor

Executive Headteacher

Andrea Caygill

Staff Governor & Head of School

Mike Hirst

Co-Opted Governor

Sarah Clark

Co-Opted Governor

Ellie Bates

Parent Governor

Governors Designation

  • Abbie Rhodes, Chair
  • Dominique Adams, Clerk to the Governors
  • Michael Hirst, Co-Opted Governor
  • Andrea Caygill, Staff Governor & Head of School
  • Sarah Clark - Co-opted Governor
  • Ellie Bates - Parent Governor
  • Elaine Nayler - Executive Headteacher

Our active Governing Body consists of people drawn from local government, staff, parents and the wider community.