01969 667308

Ellie Bates

Parent Governor

Term of office 28/11/23 - 27/11/27

I grew up in a small village near Richmond. I lived in Tunstall until I left home to go to University in Leeds, where I studied Sports Science (Outdoor Activities). Realising that I would prefer to do outdoor activities in my spare time I started various jobs in different offices, with my last job working at Asda Head Office, with a team of 9 people working for me, looking after the Frozen Food Supply Chain across all stores in the UK.

Whilst I worked at Asda I competed at a sport called Canoe Polo. I competed for Great Britain for 12 years, and won gold medals at European Championships, World Championships, cumulating in Gold at the World Games in Taiwan. I retired through injury and picked up all the other sports I had put on the back burner – rock climbing, sea kayaking, white water kayaking, swimming, walking. Mountain biking – the list goes on.

We moved to Hawes in Aug 2019, opened up Chapel Gallery (Café and an Art’s & Craft Gallery) in Dec 2019. We then renovated our ground-floor and converted it into a Bunkhouse.
I joined the governing team at Hawes Primary in 2023, we have a son at the school, and I am passionate about getting the best education and care for him and the rest of the school.
