Important notice:YCAT admissions arrangements consultation  YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our school community. For more information, please visit our policies page. 

01969 667308

Relationships and sex education (RSE)

Relationships and sex education (RSE) is delivered through the science curriculum and through our programme of developing personal skills and awareness across the whole curriculum.

We are always confident of being able to respond appropriately to children's needs and questions. The children are taught to have a healthy respect for their own bodies as well as those of other people in the same way that they are taught to have clean teeth, and not cause distress to other children by unkindness or bullying.

Lessons are presented with due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. Where questions of a sexual nature arise naturally, possibly from play in the home corner, answers are given by the class teacher appropriate to the understanding and emotional development of the child.

'Growing Up' talk for Y5/6 children in the summer term, during which aspects of our life cycle (puberty) is taught in a sensitive manner with opportunities for pupils to ask related questions. Parents/carers will be informed before this lesson takes place and may consent to or decline their child's participation in this lesson.