At Hawes Primary everyone learns how to become a better mathematician.
We have Pupil Maths Ambassadors who promote maths in the school and find out what is being taught in maths lessons.
Useful websites
Important notice:YCAT admissions arrangements consultation YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our school community.
We are mathematicians
We are readers
At Hawes Primary everyone learns how to become a better reader.
We have Pupil Reading Ambassadors who promote reading in the school and find out what is being taught in lessons.
Useful websites
We are writers
At Hawes Primary everyone learns how to become a better writer.
We have Pupil Writing Ambassadors who promote writing in the school and find out what is being taught in English lessons.
Useful websites
We are scientists
Lots of websites to explore the world around you and even plan your own experiments.
General websites for science.
Websites for space.
The world around us and animals and plants.
We are historians
The British Museum ancient civilisations' website. | The British Museum ancient civilisations' website. |
Stone Age and Iron Age
Watch this animation about the Stone Age. | How did the Stone-Age gatherers live? | One of the seven wonders of the world but what was it for? | Make some Iron age bannocks. |
Ancient Greece
Romains in Britain
Find out about Roman sites in Britain. | Explore BBC Bitesize to find out about the Romans. |
We a geographers
Find out about the world from the comfort of your own chair!
Keep track of the ever-changing world news. | How many planes are in the air right now? |
We are linguists
We are artists
We are musicians
Try this hyperlink for all sorts of links to music and learning about music.
We are movers
Here are some simple songs which you can watch and move to.
We are thinkers
We are bird watchers