Important notice:YCAT admissions arrangements consultation  YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our school community. For more information, please visit our policies page. 

01969 667308

Attendance and Absence

Hawes Primary_prev pics (18)Regular and punctual school attendance is important.

Pupils need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by law. Hawes Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities to ensure pupils are in school and on time, therefore having access to learning for the maximum number of days and hours.

Our policy applies to all children registered at this school and this policy is made available to all parents/carers of pupils who are registered at our school on our school website.

This policy has been written to adhere to the relevant Children Acts, Education Acts, Regulations and Guidance from the Department for Education in addition to guidance from the Local Authority.

Although parents/carers have the legal responsibility for ensuring their child’s good attendance, the Head teacher and Governors at our school work together with other professionals and agencies to ensure that all pupils are encouraged and supported to develop good attendance habits. Procedures in this policy are followed to ensure this happens.

Children who are persistently late or absent soon fall behind with their learning. Children who are absent from school frequently develop large gaps in their learning which will impact on their progress and their ability to meet age related learning expectations. A child whose attendance drops to 90% each year will, over their time at primary school, have missed two whole terms of learning.

Attendance Policy

Pupil Attendance Letter - 28 June 2024

Absence from School

In line with Department for Education guidance regarding school attendance please note the following:

  1. If your child is absent from school for any reason you must to inform the school as soon as possible (normally on the first day of absence). A telephone call, message on Scholarpck ParentApp, e-mail or personal contact is acceptable.
  2. The law requires the school to approve the absence of any child. If the school has not approved the absence then it will be recorded in the register as unauthorised.
  3. The school day begins at 9am. Pupils arriving late cause disruption to their own and others’ learning. Please ensure your child is present for registration by 9am otherwise they maybe marked as late.

Hawes Primary_prev pics (1)

Holidays (School)

We understand many families work in jobs which limit the times family holidays can be taken. However Department for Education and LEA rules are very clear and we must follow them.

Any request for holiday/absence in term time can only be authorised by the Headteacher. Permission will be granted only in exceptional circumstances as set out by the Department for Education. Parents wishing to take their children out of school during term time for holidays are advised to talk to the Headteacher before booking and must complete a holiday absence form for approval.

Holiday absence form 

Please note that Year 6 and Y2 pupils sit national tests (SATs) in May. Exact dates are available from school. We strongly believe you will disadvantage a year 6 pupil if you take them out of school for a holiday between the start of the autumn term and the fourth week in May.

  • A completed holiday/absence form is required for all absences
  • Department for Education and LEA rules are clear that term time absence for holiday can only be given in exceptional A written application explaining the exceptional circumstances must be given to the Headteacher. Forms are available from the school office and you are welcome to discuss any request in advance with the Headteacher.

We hope you will help us in our efforts to minimise unauthorised absence, lateness and in keeping accurate registers.


We are only allowed to issue prescribed medication (accompanied by a signed and dated letter from parent/carer. We are not allowed to administer any other form of medication eg Calpol, creams, cough medicine etc. If this causes a serious problem please contact the Head Teacher.

If your child is ill

Please ring the school office as soon as possible on Tel 01969 667308 and let us know. We have a legal obligation to know the whereabouts of your child and it is for everyone’s peace of mind, so that we know your child is safe.

Doctor and Dentist Appointments

Please wherever possible make these appointments out of school hours. If this is unavoidable please make sure that your child brings a note to school for their teacher, which is signed and dated.