School Uniform
Children from Reception to year 6 wear school uniform.
Our uniform comprises:
Navy blue, Hawes Primary School sweatshirt. Hawes School polo shirt in house colours - royal blue (Fell), red (Hill) or green (Dale) Navy or plain black trousers or skirts
House coloured checked gingham dresses may be worn in summer and school baseball caps which can protect heads from the sun are also available.
Shoes, not trainers, should be worn. In bad weather, boots or wellingtons may be worn to school but pupils will be expected to change into their shoes or pumps once inside.
Please make sure to label or name all clothing so that misplaced items can be returned to the right children.
In PE Children must wear plain navy or black shorts and plain white tee shirts / polo shirts.
They should have trainers or pumps to wear.
Jewellery should not be worn to school as it is a potential hazard at playtimes and in PE. Similarly please do not allow your child to have his/her ears pierced. Any child with pierced ears must remove earrings for all sports, PE and swimming themselves. Please note the school cannot take any responsibility for any lost jewellery.
We have had school houses at Hawes for many years. It's a part of our long history. Families are allocated a House on joining school. Each has its own coloured polo shirt. The houses compete in our annual sports day.
The houses are: Hill (red), Fell (blue), Dale (green)
School uniform is available on-line : or telephone 01904 607331
Sometimes parents donate uniform in good condition to school that their child has outgrown. Please speak with Mrs Alderson in the office for more details about this.