Important notice:YCAT admissions arrangements consultation  YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our school community. For more information, please visit our policies page. 

01969 667308

Parent, Teachers and Families Association (PTFA)

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Hawes Primary_prev pics (11)

For more information contact:

  • Chairman – Emma Blades 
  • Secretary – Anna Fagg 
  • Treasurer – Lindsay Whaley 

via the school office.


We are very lucky to have an active and very supportive Parent, Teachers and Families Association (PTFA). They work incredibly hard to raise funds to support school activities and run and help at many school events. 

In the current school year the PTFA has donated significant sums to subsidise the costs of pupil tickets and buy treats for the pantomime at Darlington, to subsidise the costs of extra outdoor activities and the Year 4/5/6/ residential trip.   

Without their brilliant support many of these valuable activities simply would not take place.