01969 667308

Our Curriculum


At Hawes Primary School we follow the National Curriculum.

Links with Dalesplay, a local wrap around child care provider, and our local secondary schools ensure that the children's education is a continuous process with excellent transfers and inductions between us.

  • We aim to be inclusive and to meet the needs of all of our pupils. Every individual is entitled to a broad, balanced, relevant, coherent progressive and differentiated curriculum.
  • Equality of access and equality of opportunity underpins the provision for all regardless of disability, gender, race and cultural background.
  • If you have any questions about our curriculum, please contact us via the school office.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The children in Nursery and Reception follow the EYFS Curriculum.

Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical DevelopmentĀ 
  • Personal, Social and EmotionalĀ development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • MathematicsĀ 
  • Understanding the World Expressive arts and design

We plan exciting learning opportunities for our youngest children, both indoors and outdoors. Learning is often child led and through play. Sometimes learning is more adult focused and everybody works together e.g. learning a song. Phonics, reading, writing and maths are generally taught in small groups with children of similar ability working together. We very much value the good relationships we have with parents and carers. It is our aim for children to settle in and feel secure as soon as possible.

Key Stages 1 and 2

Key Stage 1 incorporates children in Year 1 and Year 2. The curriculum in Key Stage 1 involves a combination of activity-based, cross-curricular and other, more adult guided learning. This continues through into Key Stage 2 which incorporates the children from year 3 to year 6. All the children in these key stages follow the national curriculum, with KS2 including French as their modern language. Throughout KS2 Children are given a wide range of opportunities to learn in different ways.

Hawes Primary_prev pics (27)Provision for Sport

We provide a wide range of games and PE experiences at school for the children. When possible we join together with other cluster schools to offer further sporting options. We also supplement children's PE experience by working in liaison with Chris Bullock Sports. Swimming lessons take place for all the children in Y4 - Y6 in the Autumn Term.